Dress Malfunction
It’s been forever since my last post but hey, it’s life and I work was hectic.
Anyways, I wanted to jump back into my blog and let you know how much I appreciate your support. Currently, I am sewing more at night but still pursuing my handbag collection because travel and fashion are my passions in life.
However, I wanted to share with you regarding a travel story I had with a dress malfunction on a trip to Mexico City or rather on a return from that trip. It is quite hilarious and who wouldn’t want to laugh?! After a beautiful two in one trip Mexico City and the Veracruz my family decided to take during the holidays, we were headed back to California. Yes, I went to Mexico City for the holidays!!
But let’s take a step back into what came before my dress malfunction (thank goodness no one noticed at least that’s what I think…) but let’s not get ahead of myself.
We had decided to take a trip to see family in Mexico and it was glorious. I love travel and have been traveling abroad since I was a child especially to South America and in particular Ecuador (the motherland) and it was so beautiful to get my passport ready even though I had left most of the travel details to the partner in crime (hubby). I was ready to be in my element: the global traveler. I packed light and prepared the necessary things such some good reads, comfy extra pair of shoes and of course, a some fun, feminine dresses.
I make sure to pack light with versatile pieces because hey it’s Mexico. Ya never know what you are going to do until the last minute and day of but it was so great to slow down and feel back to where I once lived for a year. I usually wear casual dresses with or without some leggings, a hat and definitely red lipstick. Because, hey red is fun.
Anyways, we made a stop in Veracruz for Christmas then back to CDMX and stayed in W hotel, ate yummy tacos in Coayacan and took a double decker bus around the southern part of the city. We even went under a tunnel. it was fun. What was even funnier was watching Frida Kahlo’s home, Casa Azul, get super crowded. People, I understand she is epic and her home is wonderful but these crowds are super out of control. She is not a fad. She is not trending. She’s Frida Kahlo. I couldn’t even take a photo outside of her home because there was tour bus. Geez. Too much. I couldn’t see it at all. It was like she was famous again. Hahah. Frida Kahlo will remain timeless, relevant and a constant study of iconic artistry (not a social media trend).
Either way, Mexico City is a vibrant, beautiful and a must see city. Do not pass go and make sure you go again and again.
“I am my own muse. I am the subject I know the best. The subject I want to better.”
I lived for year in 2005 and I was so eager to see how it changed or rather just experience it once again. But my intention on this vacation was to relax and enjoy the holidays with the family. While is was a juggle to keep up what I wanted to see and tend to my son, I achieved my travels. It was nice to see my old neighborhood, Napoles, eat in the Condesa neighborhood, site see in Coayacan and check out the Museo de Nino (Children’s Museum). It was so much fun eating the tacos in the food markets and just enjoying walks in Polanco, a small urban part with many great shops and restaurants.
View from Jumex Museum (desde Museo Jumex)
Either way, I was so happy to see friends and family and savor mezcal drinks in Polanco and enjoy the bustle of a ever changing city. Even if it was just for a week or so Mexico City is inviting, hip and a wonderful food metropolis with exciting night life.
So the trip ended with little to no drama (except maybe my son getting a bit homesick) but it was so chill that I could totally get use this lifestyle. All in all it was a relaxing vacation I enjoyed and of course, ate enough street food that made me think how much I need to explore more in that gorgeous city.
However, on the way back was the funniest thing happened with my outfit on the AIRPLANE!! I was on this returning flight from the CDMX to Tijuana. Here I am on the airplane and I go to the restroom and upon my return to my seat to my utmost surprise, I walk back quickly thinking of the food and in my dress shirt with my curly brown hair and minimalist makeup, I totally tear the side of my dress shirt with the arm rest making a ripping sound down isle 3 or 4. It was embarrassing but I think maybe one person noticed and I kept walking back to my seat. I made to little to no fuss about it but bust into laughing at myself when I sat down. Even though I briefly looked at the rip (1 inch) quickly I knew it wasn’t that big of deal but it was so hilarious. Nothing scandalous but the ripping sure sounded crazy.

Ripped dress results: before then repaired after pics.
All is all is was a great trip that was full of family experiences and vibrant night life. I am so grateful I am able to travel and visit cities like Mexico City. But the most important reason is to savor the memories, bask in the culture and food, and savor who you became after your travels especially when you are laughing at yourself out loud.
What was a travel experience you enjoyed to reminisce? Who traveled with you to make it memorable once again? I am so grateful for the chance to visit a huge city like Mexico City and I want to return very soon.
P.S. Please excuse lack of photos especially of Mexico’s Coyoacán area and Frida Kahlo’s house. I deleted them by accident.
W Hotel lobby in Polanco